
2013 Event Logs

舍路余風采堂 2013 年新任職員 向各界恭賀新禧


顧問 樹湛、士晃、海量、家樂、碩正。
正主席 汝深。
副主席: 耀東。
中文書記: 永鏇、傑鋒、偉剛。
西文書記: 仲鵬、紹江、巨榮。
財政: 耀東、偉剛。
核數: 衛民、利民、國豪、暢文。
議長: 永昌、耀青。
代表: 家樂、健城、適儀、麗嫦。
婦女部: 樹湛夫人、海量夫人、 緒宏夫人、汝深夫人、


2013 Seattle Yee Family Association Officers

US Western Grand Vice President:
Fred Yee
US Western Grand Advisor:
James Yee

Advisors: James Yee, Suey Yee, Fred Yee, Hing Ng, Shek Jing.

President: Shum Yee
Vice-President: Yao Dong Yu
Chinese Secretary: John Yii, Kit Fung Yee, Wing Shuen Yee.
English Secretary: John Yee, Kevin Lee, Tim Lee.
Treasurer: Ya Dong Yu, John Yii
Auditors: Raymond Wah, Warren Yee.


舍路余風采堂於一月三十一日下午六時,假連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」, 舉辦年度春節聯歡會,場面熱鬧。


Seattle YFT 2013 New Year Dinner

The Seattle Yee's celebrated the Year of the Snake in style with a delicious dinner at the Renton Seafood Restaurant Thursday, January 31, 2013. About 60 members, family, and guest were in attendance. Seattle YFT president De Shum Yee welcomed everyone to the annual spring banquet. President De Shum relayed to all attendees the positive feedback he received from various chapters regarding Seattle YFT hosting the 24th US National YFT convention, he mentioned that the YFT elders were extremely happy with the success of the 24th US National YFT convention and several members commented on how well organized the convention was run. President De Shum also gave us an update on resolution proposed by Fred Yee to purchase our own building. The resolution was unanimously approved by the convention body, and a pledge drive was held on the spot spearheaded by uncle John M Yee of Arizona, and raised over $51,000 for the building fund in just twenty minutes. The momentum from the convention continued with the most generous gift of $20,000 by Uncle Hing Ng (Yee Ga Lock). John Yii Seattle YFT Chinese secretary gave an English translation.

Fred Yee, the Seattle YFT Building Fund Chair, gave us an update on the building search and the fund raising efforts. Fred is the Western Section Vice-President of YFT HQ, mentioned that YFT HQ is very supportive of our efforts to purchase our own building, and will assist financially in the purchase of our new building. Fred gave a brief accounting of the fund raising efforts, and wanted to let all members know that no donation is too small, and that each donation would be greatly appreciated. The realization of our dream to own our own building will be more meaningful with the support of all members.

We like to thank Shek Jing Yee and his staff at the Renton Seafood Restaurant for serving a delicious eight course dinner to help us usher in a happy, healthy, and prosperous year of the Snake.

Fred Yee



西雅圖中華會館日前舉行2013年 「董事宣誓就職典禮暨新春餐會」,就職典禮在中華會館主席邱美瑞主持下,由駐西雅圖台北經文處處長金星監誓, 副處長彭慎、僑教中心主任薛台君觀禮。就職典禮簡單隆重,董事會成員互相期勉未來繼續致力造福僑社。


Kevin Elected to the Seattle Chong Wa Benevolent Association

Kevin Lee 余紹江, Seattle Chapter English Secretary, has been elected to the Seattle Chong Wa Benevolent Association (西雅圖中華會館) Board of Trustees (董事) and Secretary for the 2013 term. Congratulations Kevin!

Fred Yee 余海量, West Grand Vice President and Seattle Chapter Advisor, was appointed in June 2012 to a two-year term 2012-2013 as Honorary Community Advisor (咨議委員) of the Seattle Chong Wa Benevolent Association..

Fred Yee


美國余風采總堂二零一三年春節聯歡慶會於三月二十四日隆重舉行。 美西副總長余海量及美西總顧問余樹湛代表舍路余風采堂親臨祝賀。


US Yee Fung Toy Family Association Spring Banquet

Western Grand Vice President Fred Yee and Grand Advisor James Yee attended the 2013 Spring Banquet in San Francisco on March 24. This is the annual major for the US Yee Fung Toy Family Association.

The festivities began in the morning with a buffet lunch followed by the ancestral worship ceremony. In attendance were US YFT Grand Elders, Grand Presidents, Grand Vice Presidents, Grand Advisors, President and Vice President of the YFT Head Quarters, representatives from various US YFT Chapters, Advisors and officers of YFT Headquarters, the Chinese Community media, members and guests.

Following the ceremony, lion dancing and martial arts demonstrations were performed in front of the Head Quarters building. The street was closed to enable the performance and spectators to enjoy the joyous event. The lightning of fire was held in two separate restaurants, the New Asia Chinese Restaurant and the Peninsula Seafood Restaurant in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Firecrackers helped created a wondrous ending of the performance.

This year, the spring banquet was held in two separate restaurants, the New Asia Chinese Restaurant and the Peninsula Seafood Restaurant in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Over a thousand honor guests, government dignitaries, community representatives, YFT members and guests filled 120 tables. In presence were San Francisco Mayor Edmond Lee, State legislator Leland Yee and many elected officials, government and communities leaders. Greetings were extended by US YFT Grand Presidents and Head Quarters President and others. Karaoke entertainments added much enjoyment to the delicious food served.

US YFT senior leaders also conducted their business meeting on March 23, a day before the banquet. This annual event ended on March 25 with the out of town attendees departing for their home cities.

Fred Yee


舍路余風采堂代表於三月三十一日(復活節日)星期日,一起前往霍利魯德墓園 (Holyrood Cemetery)、湖景墓園 (Lake View Cemetery)、萬年青 - 華秀麗墓園 ( Evergreen-Washelli Cemetery) 及 萬柏墓園 (Mt. Pleasant) 拜祭及獻花致敬舍路余氏先人。


Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association 2013 Ching Ming Cemetery Visit

In observation of the Ching Ming festival, members of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association visited area cemeteries on Easter Sunday March 31, 2013.

A total of 4 cemeteries were visited by the Seattle Yee group, led by President De Shum Yee. The weather was excellent and it was a perfect day to be outdoors while paying respect to our ancestors.

Fred Yee






Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association Acquired Property in Seattle

Historic Day for Seattle Yee Fung Toy, Purchases building to serve as Association's New Home with the aid of YFT HQ and all our US and Canadian Yee cousins.


De Sum Yee, President, Fred Yee, Chapter Advisor/Western Vice Grand President and Kevin Lee, English Secretary of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association signed final closing documents on May 24, 2013 to acquire real property in Seattle's Beacon Hill neighborhood for the Chapter's permanent home. The purchase was made possible with generous donations from Yee Fung Toy Family Association Chapters in the United States and Canada, loan support from the U.S. Yee Fung Toy Association Headquarters in San Francisco, together with the similar level of donations from members of the Seattle Chapter.

The purchase makes owning a permanent home for the Seattle Chapter a reality, after it’s over half century presence in Seattle. The signing signifies a historical moment for the Seattle Chapter. Western Grand President Alan Yi Shun Yee and William Yu of San Francisco Headquarters flew up to Seattle to witness and participate in the signing formality at First American Title Insurance Company in Bellevue, Washington.

The Seattle Chapter has formed a 9-member Building Committee to manage the purchasing process and a 5-member subcommittee was formed to operate and manage the property after the purchase. The Chapter will spend the next several months to repair and update the property with a grand opening aimed sometime in 2014.

Fred Yee


舍路余風采堂於二零一三年七月廿八日(星期日)中午十二時至下午二時三十分在空氣清新, 風景如畫的活崙公園野餐區舉行第五十九屆郊遊聯歡活動暨頒發獎學金大會。

百多名來自華盛頓州大西雅圖區的余氏宗親、家屬、朋友等一起參加了這次活動。 今年特別嘉賓之一是從馬來西亞赴美到西雅圖探親訪友的馬來西亞余氏總會的余開雲秘書長, 另外還有四位來自温哥華全加余風采總分堂的余栢寧書記伉儷、財政主任余萍相及堂員黃余霞玲女士。 歡迎!歡迎!



午餐十分豐富,美味可口,包括余家樂顧問每年送出金豬一大隻、另外還有炸雞、炒麵、叉燒、點心、 菠蘿包、薯片、西瓜等等,大受歡迎。

獎學金大會簡單、熱烈、有特色,充分體現舍路余風采堂領導為余氏宗親們辦實事的務實精神。 今年頒發了獎學金給三十多位成績優秀學生。



當晚舍路余風采堂職員與嘉賓們在連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」 共度晚宴,場面熱鬧溫馨。


Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association 59th Annual Picnic

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association held its 59th Annual Picnic on July 28, 2013 at the Seattle Woodland Park Picnic Area - Shelter #3.

The weather was cooler than the usual Seattle summer days but was still nice enough to offer relatively comfortable outdoor activities enjoyment.


Martin and Rosa Yee, Ping Sheung Yu and Mary Wong from the YFT Society of Vancouver drove down to join us for the picnic. Mr. Yee Kai Yon, secretary of the Persatuan Keturunan Yee Malaysia was in town and also attended the picnic.

As usual, there were great food (Chow Mein, BBQ Pork, Fried Chicken and Roast Pig), many door prizes including cash prizes and scholarship awards to over 30 Seattle YFT student members.




After the picnic, some visited the new acquired property of the Seattle YFT Association on Beacon Hill. The property is currently under repair and the work is expected to be completed within a couple of months.

Dinner was at Renton Seafood Restaurant and was attended by over 20 individuals. As before, the food was excellent with great thanks to Shek Jing Yee, owner of the restaurant.

Photos Courtesy of Kai Yon Yee, Martin Yee and Fred Yee.

Fred Yee


舍路余風采堂於十月十三日(星期日)在畢架山(Beacon Hill)新購買的堂所物業舉辦了喜遷新址慶祝會。

當日三十多位堂員也欣然前來參加道喜,歡聚一堂。雖然重新修築及改建堂所會址的工程至今仍在進行中,由此慶祝喜遷新址活動可為本堂成長已進一步, 另一方面,也進入本堂歷史的一個新主要階段。

本堂計畫在 2014 年正式舉辦喬遷開幕儀式。敬請各位留意有關此活動的資訊。


The Local Open House Ceremony For The New Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association Location

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association celebrated the moving in of their chapter office to their newly purchased property on Beacon Hill, Seattle, WA. at noon on Sunday, October 13th.

About 30 plus Seattle chapter members attended the celebration.

A buffet lunch (roasted pig, chicken, chow fun, chow mein, fried rice, dim sum...etc) was served right after the Ceremony at our New Association Home.

While the remodeling and repair work are still ongoing, the moving in celebration signifies a main phase of the Chapter's history.

A formal public open house event is planned for 2014. Please stay tuned for information about this event.

For more photos of this event, please click here.

Photos courtesy of Steven D. Yee and Fred Yee.

Fred Yee

Copyright ©2004 - 2013 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2013-10-13.