Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association


image of Yee character



Image of Seattle Delegates

五位舍路"西雅圖"「余風采堂」會員出席於二零零四年十一月十四至十六日在香港舉行的第二屆世界余氏懇親大會。 超過四百人從美國、加拿大、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓和印尼遠道而來參加此次盛會。 代表舍路出席有余士晃夫婦公子(Suey, Linda, and Steven)、及余海量夫婦(Fred and Clara) 五位。 余海量更出席代表大會協助來自加拿大溫哥華的余美湛向其他代表介紹世界余氏綱站的計劃。 這計劃經已獲得大會通過。

來自各地的會員參加了多姿多彩活動包括參觀位於上水的「香港風采中學」Elegantia College。 這學府全靠香港余風采五堂會慷慨捐贈九百萬港元才能建成。 學校在學術方面已獲得卓越成就。 參觀人士亦出席了學校的開幕典禮。 學校設施完善、 校舍美觀令到香港和到訪的會員都感到自豪。 其他活動包括參觀黃大仙廟和遊覽香港名勝景點。

大會完畢後、 大約三百位會員繼續他們的行程進入中國大陸尋根、探訪無數海外余氏一族的家鄉 – 台山。 在十一月十七至十九日的三日行程裏包括參觀了幾所由海外會員捐贈的學校。 旅程充滿歡愉和興奮。 尤其是第一次探訪台山的會員更有此感受。

下一屆世界余氏懇親大會將由位於三藩市的總會主辦。 地點是在加州洛城。 它將會是另一次成功的盛會。


二零零四年 舍路 温哥華青年營

美國西北岸的夏日,風和日麗; 正是郊遊的好季節。美國舍路(西雅圖)分堂和加拿大温哥華分堂把握住這個好時候,來一次青年營; 好讓青年的一群認識和交流。余海量(舍路副主席)特地為此次活動選到一個有別具特色『蒙古包』的營地。 這一來便吸引了六多個家庭(二十來人)參加。 美加各有三個家庭,平分春色。 這個年頭要年青人和家長一起活動,真是好不容易。 這些年青人對今次活動的支持, 亦可反影到他們對長輩的孝順,可算是值得稱讚。

當日下午(七月三十一日),各家庭分批到達後; 就先來一個自我介紹的結集。除了讓年青人互相認識,亦把兩地情誼拉近多了。樹湛叔(美國總堂顧問)更把早年余風采堂的逸事細訴,我等獲益良多。 這次活動食物的安排就真是感謝舍路會友的幫忙。 不但安排周全;當晚的燒烤晚餐,就算現在想起來都唾涎三尺。 飯後到沙灘散步; 年青的嬉戲,男有男的高談闊論,女有女的話匣子,樂也融融!

大家圍著營火,就好像有說不完的話題、吃不盡的烤棉花糖; 又不知添了多少卡路里? 始終到了回營休息的時候,年青的;男的一個營,女的一個營。 營內的瑣瑣細語又不知到那更天才讓星月耳根清淨。

雖是七月天時,西北區晨早的寒意還是令人斗藪。一杯熱咖啡先把精神一振,然後再來一份熱騰騰豐富的早餐; 人又再變得生龍活虎。 這裡得再向舍路會友的細心安排致謝。今年的青年營就在這個『意尤未盡』 的心情下結束了。

這樣精采的活動又怎可能不再『番尋味』呢?所以兩堂會的主席已決定二零零五年的青年營會在八月十三日舉行,希望能夠容納更多的會友參加 (約四十人)。 詳情請看邀請函。


2004 Seattle Yee Family Association Annual Meeting

The Seattle Yee Family Association held its 2004 annual meeting on December 2, at 11:00 am at the Sun Ya Restaurant in Chinatown. The agenda items included (1) the construction of the new Wing Luke Asian Museum and its impact on the association physical location, (2) report on the World Yee Convention in Hong Kong, (3) the election of 2005 association officers.

Within the next year or so, renovation of the Kong Yick Building will begin to make room for the new Wing Luke Museum. The current physical location of our association is in the Kong Yick building. This means that our local Yee chapter, among several other associations, will no longer be able to rent spaces, under the current arrangements. The Wing Luke Asian Museum is working with the family associations to think of creative ways to house these associations. Seattle chapter leadership will attend the December 9 community meeting organized by the Wing Luke Asian Museum.

Suey and Fred Yee made a brief report about the 2nd World Yee Convention. Please see separate report on the convention at this site. Hing Ng was elected to another term as President of the Seattle Family Association.

Seattle Yee Family Association Members Attended the 2nd World Yee Convention in Hong Kong

Five members of the Seattle Yee Family Association attended the 2nd World Yee Convention in Hong Kong from November 14-16, 2004. A total of 400 Yees from the United Stated, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia came to Hong Kong for the convention. Suey Yee, Linda Yee, Steven Yee, Fred Yee and Clara Cheung of the Seattle chapter participated in the convention activities. Fred Yee attended the delegate meeting, assisting Jim Yee of Vancouver, B.C., Canada in presenting the World Yee Website Project to the convention delegates. The project was officially approved during the delegate meeting. Among the many activities was a visit to the Elegantia College in Sheung Shiu. The construction of the college was made possible with a Hong Kong $9 million donation from the Hong Kong Five Tong Yee Association.. The visit included attending the opening ceremony of the college which has attained excellent academic achievement. The college facilities are well built and represent a true pride to Hong Kong and visiting Yee members. Other activities during the convention included the opening and closing banquets, the touring of the Wong Tai Shin Temple and other local attractions.

Following the convention in Hong Kong, about 300 Yees continued to go into mainland China to visit Toy San, the home and ancestral place for many of the Yees around the world. The three day visits, November 17-19, included visits of several local schools built with donations from Yees around the world. The visits were joyous and exciting, especially to those who visited Toy San for the first time.

Image of Mokai School

The next World Yee Convention will be hosted in 2006 by the U.S. A. Yee Family Association, headquartered in San Francisco. The location of the convention will be Los Angeles, California. It is anticipated another successful convention will be in order.

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Picnic

August 1, 2004 at Woodland Park Stove Area #2

August 1st was a nice, warm summer day for the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Picnic. Following our tradition of many years, this year’s picnic was again held at Seattle’s Woodland Park. Members and friends began arriving to the picnic site soon after 11:00 am. Volunteers from many Yee family members helped setting up the picnic tables, the prize area and got the food ready for lunch.

Chapter President, Uncle Hing Yu, generously donated a whole roast pig. Adviser Suey Yee and other volunteers ordered dishes which included chow main, fried chicken, desserts, fruits and beverages. By noon, we estimated close to 200 people were at the picnic site ready for the festivities to begin.

The picnic began with welcoming remarks by Uncle Hing Yu and Kit Fung Yu. Jim Yee, Chairman of the Vancouver Yee Family Association in Canada drove down with his family and friends to participate in the picnic. Alex Mar and Captain James Yee drove up from Olympia for the event.

While lunch was being served, Fred Yee discussed briefly about this year’s Yee Scholarships. Over twenty students, from kindergarten through Junior in college, received scholarships from the situation totaling $1,700. Another highlight of the picnic was the door prizes drawing which has become very popular over the years.

The Seattle and Vancouver Yees held a youth yurt camp at the Kayak Point Yurt Village, near Marysville, Washington on July 31, the day before the picnic. This was the first time such a camp was organized. There were 23 people participated including 9 youths. The camp was very enjoyable and proved to be a success. There is a plan to organize another camp for 2005.

A welcome dinner was held at 5:30 pm at the Hong’s Garden in Renton for the Vancouver Yees to conclude the activities for the day. We look forward to having the 2005 picnic next year.

Report by Fred Yee

Seattle-Vancouver Youth Camp Photo Report

Adults at beach

Six families gathered at the Kayak Point County Park Yurt Village on Saturday afternoon (July 31, 2004), 3 from Vancouver and 3 from Seattle, as well as Uncle Jim and Aunt Jenny who did not stay over night. Two yurts were assigned to the youth (one for the boys and one for the girls), and the rest for the adults and a young family.

Youths from Seattle

We all drove our own cars to the Park, which was easy to locate using the directions from the web site.

Lan did the food planning and Clara helped with the shopping. Everyone helped out with the cooking and cleaning up. We had a whole wild salmon, marinated flank steak, chicken (wings and steak), and very plump sausages on the BBQ for dinner. For breakfast the next morning we had salmon omelet. Everything was delicious!

The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed the walks down to the beach. There were 9 youths ranging in age from 5 to 23. They got along very well and had a lot of fun. Before starting dinner we all sat in a circle. Following a round of self-introductions, Uncle Jim spoke led a discussion on the Yee Fung Toy Family Association.

Yurt cost 6 x $40 + $45 (the one with a deck) = $285
Food cost = $230 Total cost = $515 (all in US dollars).

We plan to get more youth and families out next year, and have booked the 9 yurts for August 13, 2005. We could accommodate 40 people quite comfortably. We will need to promote the camp, especially to the Scholarship stidents, past and present, from both Seattle and Vancouver.

Yurt Camp Report

Report by Fred Yee